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Thursday, March 31, 2011

How to Modify/Delete a record Which is loaded in PSA

Infosource:     2LIS_03_BF - Delta IM Movements
Infopackage:  YGTDS_2LIS_03_BF ( Material movements from Inventory Control
Error:             Value '!S?0X<40 ' (Hex ' ') of char. 0BATCH contains unauthorized characters. ( In Details tab of the IP)
 Note: For this kind of error ,it is necessary to open a ticket and get  approval from your supervisor /Manager   to proceed with the deletion/modification record in PSA.
 First delete the bad request from data target

Next find the packet number(s) of where the error occurred in the monitor by looking at the Details tab in the monitor for that InfoPackage:

 Next, go to the PSA and search and open the bad request.
 Open the PSA DataPacket and search for the string in the error

System bring back with found sales document highlighted. Exit from the pop up dialog box. Double click the highlighted record line.

Blank out all the fields except the first 3 fields which are greyed out.
 Once done save the PSA and reprocess the data packets.
Edit + Background
Edit + Read everything in manually  If the following message appear:

In this example, the error message in the monitor is:
 Data Packet 3 : Arrived in BW ; Processing : Value '!S?0X<40 ' (Hex ' ') of char. 0BATCH”

0BATCH is the Batch Number column. Do a column search for a portion of the string that doesn’t contain special characters such as “!”, for instance,  “<40”.

Once the record is found, delete all data in that row and save it.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Error: No access permission as table is already locked

  1. Some times just by restarting infopakage, data is loaded and problem is solved.
  2. Other times restarting still gives red light and data load failed because of the table is locked. In that scenario, follow below to solve it.
  3. Click on the lock icon (key) on the menu bar.

4.High light the characteristics, right click and delete lock. Once the lock is deleted restart the infopackage, it should work now.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Procedure to postpone daily data load

1.Tcode SM37.
2.Input the job name which is surfix with the day of the week. It is system date and time (GMT). Eg. ‘BW SCHED START-DAILY FRIDAY’ and Execute. 

3.Following will appear and highlight the job name 

4..Chose Job + Change + Start condition

5.Change the date to one week from the date shown. Save it. Today data load has been postponed to one week from today.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Getting Size of Data Target(Using Functional Module)

Second approach for finding size of the data target is via Functional Module. Ifyou don't have authorization

for DB02 TCode, this approaches could be used.
Following steps need to be follow -
1.GoTo SE37
2. Give functional module name 'DB_GET_TABLE_SIZE'.

3. Execute it and give fact table name.

4. Now you will get total size and total row count. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Getting Size of Data Target(Using Transaction Code Procedure)


Many times we need to know exact size of the data target. It could be cube or DSO. When we create data
target on the server, server automatically creates some space on the server. This space or size varies time by time. Basically Size is based on volume of the data in data target.

Approaches to find size
There are two basic approaches to find the size of the data target.
1.Transaction Code
2.Functional Module

1.Transaction Code Procedure 
For getting a size via transaction code you must have authorization for TCODE DB02
1: Go to DB02

2. Drill down Segment and click on Detailed Analysis.

3.Now put fact table name of the data target. If you don't know name of the fact table append /BIC/F(DATATAGET) to you data target name. E.g. suppose my data target name is test_cube so fact table name will be /BIC/FTEST_CUBE.

4.Click Tick 
5. Now you will get detailed analysis list of the cube. 

6. By clicking on each row you can see detailed analysis in above window. 

7. Now you will get table size in MB. There could be some partitions of memory size allocated to yourdata target so total size will be addition of all partition.Total Size of the fact tables = Sum of table partitions.So in these example Total Size = 0,063+0,063 = 0,126 MB.
8. Now find size for /bic/E(data target) . Sum up all table size and you will get actual size of the cube. 9. If you want to check size of DSO, check for active table /BIC/A (DSO NAME). 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Idocs between R3 and BW while extraction

1)When BW executes an infopackage for data extraction the BW system sends a Request IDoc ( RSRQST ) to the ALE inbox of the source system.Information bundled in Request IDoc (RSRQST) is :
Request Id ( REQUEST )
Request Date ( REQDATE )
Request Time (REQTIME)
Info-source (ISOURCE)
Update mode (UPDMODE )

2)The source system acknowledges the receipt of this IDoc by sending an Info IDoc (RSINFO) back to BW system.The status is 0 if it is ok or 5 for a failure.

3)Once the source system receives the request IDoc successfully, it processes it according to the information in the request. This request starts the extraction process in the source system (typically a batch job with a naming convention that begins with BI_REQ).
The request IDoc status now becomes 53 (application document posted). This status means the system cannot process the IDoc further

4)The source system confirms the start of the extraction job by the source system to BW by sending another info IDoc (RSINFO) with status = 1

5)Transactional Remote Function Calls (tRFCs) extract and transfer the data to BW in data packages. Another info IDoc (RSINFO) with status = 2 sends information to BW about the data package number and number of records transferred

6)At the conclusion of the data extraction process (i.e., when all the data records are extracted and transferred to BW), an info IDoc (RSINFO) with status = 9 is sent to BW, which confirms the extraction process. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

When is reconstruction allowed? Questions

1. When a request is deleted in a ODS/Cube, will it be available under reconstruction.
Ans :Yes it will be available under reconstruction tab, only if the processing is through PSA
Note: This function is particularly useful if you are loading deltas, that is, data that you cannot request again from the source system

2. Should the request be turned red before it is deleted from the target so as to enable reconstruction
Ans :To enable reconstruction you may not need to make the request red, but to enable repeat of last delta you have to make the request red before you delete it.

3. If the request is deleted with its status green, does the request get deleted from reconstruction tab too
Ans :No, it wont get deleted from reconstruction tab

4. Does the behaviour of reconstruction and deletion differ when the target is differnet. ODS and Cube
Ans :Yes 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

What will happend if a request in Green is deleted?

Deleting green request is no harm. if you are loading via psa, you can go to tab 'reconstruction' and select the request and 'insert/reconstruct' to have them back.But,
For example you will need to repeat this delta load from the source system. If you delete the green request then you will not get these delta records from the source system.

Explanation :
when the request is green, the source system gets the message that the data sent was loaded successfully, so the next time the load (delta) is triggered, new records are sent.
If for some reason you need to repeat the same delta load from the source, then making the request red sends the message that the load was not successful, so do not discard these delta records.Delta queue in r/3 will keep until the next upload successfully performed in bw. The same records are then extracted into BW in the next requested delta load.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Unable to Cancel Job in SM37

We got a situation :Unable to Kill the Background job (BI_REQ*).It shows "ACTIVE" and been running for more than 19,000 secs (2 days..) .When this job started ,the PROCESS ID was : 244277..But after a day,this PROCESS ID : 244277 has been allocated to some other R3 Program(Monitored in SM50).But the Background Job in SM37 is still "ACTIVE".Tried killing the Job in SM37-->Cancel Active Job or Delete the Job) but ,when tried to "Cancel" the Job,we get a message : The job is NOT ACTIVE !!!. Then when tried to "DELETE" the job ,we get a message " Job is still ACTIVE"......!!!!
-->Since there is no Work Process in SM50,what is the alternative solution to Kill this Job???
(In BW ,there is no Update of data records,with the monitor showing

Answere :
Go to SM37 >> select the job >> Click on the JOB tab in the top >> Click on Check status->Then it status will show cancel.
Actually sometimes it happens job gets cancelled but status shows active

Infopackage Time Out

"In process chain-. a daily  load  will be taking around 10 hours to get complete  But suddenly load step in chain changed its state to red exactly at 7th hour  while monitor.where as load step in chain will be progressing fine! this can be solved by following below steps. "

Goto info package -> scheduler -> Time out time -> increase the time to some 10-15 hours and it should work.It generally happens if process doesn't get finished by 7 hours which is default time.see the screen shot  

Few Production Support Issues:-

Production Support Errors :

1)Invalid characters while loading: When you are loading data then you may get some special characters like @#$%...e.t.c.then BW will throw an error like Invalid characters then you need to go through this RSKC transaction and enter all the Invalid chars and execute. It will store this data in RSALLOWEDCHAR table. Then reload the data. You won't get any error because now these are eligible chars done by RSKC

2) IDOC Or TRFC Error: 
We can see the following error at “Status” Screen:
Sending packages from OLTP to BW lead to errors
No IDocs could be sent to the SAP BW using RFC.
System response
There are IDocs in the source system ALE outbox that did not arrive in the ALE inbox of the SAP BW.
Further analysis::
Check the TRFC log.
You can get to this log using the wizard or the menu path "Environment -> Transact. RFC -> In source system".
Removing errors:
If the TRFC is incorrect, check whether the source system is completely connected to the SAP BW. Check especially the authorizations of the background user in the source system.
Action to be taken:
If Source System connection is OK Reload the Data.

IDocs were found in the ALE inbox for Source System that is not updated. 
Processing is overdue. 
Error correction: 
Attempt to process the IDocs manually. You can process the IDocs 
manually using the Wizard or by selecting the IDocs with incorrect 
status and processing them manually. 
After looking at all the above error messages we find that the IDocs are found in the ALE inbox for Source System that are not Updated.
Action to be taken:
We can process the IDocs manually via RSMO -> Header Tab -> Click on Process manually

User ALEREMOTE is preventing you from loading texts to characteristic 
0COSTCENTER . The lock was set by a master data loading process with the
request number. 
System response 
For reasons of consistency, the system cannot allow the update to continue, and it has terminated the process. 
Wait until the process that is causing the lock is complete. You can call transaction SM12 to display a list of the locks. 
If a process terminates, the locks that have been set by this process are reset automatically. 
After looking at all the above error messages we find that the user is “Locked”. 
Action to be taken:
Wait for sometime & try reloading the Master Data manually from Info-package at RSA1.

5) Flat File Loading Error
Detail Error Message
Data records were marked as incorrect in the PSA. 
System response 
The data package was not updated.
Correct the incorrect data records in the data package (for example by manually editing them in PSA maintenance). You can find the error message for each record in the PSA by double-clicking on the record status.
After looking at all the above error messages we find that the PSA contains incorrect record.
Action to be taken:
To resolve this issue there are two methods:-
i) We can rectify the data at the source system & then load the data.
ii) We can correct the incorrect record in the PSA & then upload the data into the data target from here.

6)Object requested is currently locked by user ALEREMOTE
Detail Error Message.
An error occurred in BI while processing the data. The error is documented in an error message.Object requested is currently locked by user ALEREMOTE
Look in the lock table to establish which user or transaction is using the requested lock (Tools -> Administration -> Monitor -> Lock entries). 
After looking at all the above error messages we find that the Object is “Locked. This must have happened since there might be some other back ground process running
Action to Be taken : 
Delete the error request. Wait for some time and Repeat the chain.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How to get the record number / packet in a PSA

First, you have to View data in PSA

Select Setting -> Change Display Variants
. Then, mark all fields and press -> Arrow Symbol  (they will to the right screen – no visible fields).

Select just the fields that you will need and press  <- (they will to the right screen – visible fields).

Finally, press Enter (transfer layout).

Transaction Data Failure due to unauthorized characters in Master Data

YGTGD_YACTDOCU-FULL Transaction Data Failure due to unauthorized characters in Master Data YQUANS

Search for Infopackage in Infopackage groups and deselect:

Save the InfoPackage Group and create a  ticket for the Master Data group. Once the Master Data has been corrected and the ticket closed, check the InfoPackage to be included in the next run. 

How to delete the requests from PSA

  1. Go to PSA
  2. At the top level of the tree, search the IP OFI_AR_3
  3. Right click on Customer:Item level and  chose “Delete PSA Data”
4. The following window will appear
Verify the DataSource is the correct one.Chose the criteria to delete, this could be different depending of what we want to delete & Click the start button, a background job will start

Once deletion finish you go back and refresh the window and you will see the PSA empty

IP: 1_CO_PA0011 Delta, Processing is overdue.

Infopackage: 1_CO_PA0011 Delta
Error:               Processing is overdue
1. In the monitor, on the right side click the Details tab.

2. In the Details tab, there will be few Data Packets in red. They are required to be reprocessed.

3. To define the reprocessing as a background job, click  Edit on Menu-> Init update ->Setting for further update

4. Click Packet should be processed in the backgroud.

5. In the Details tab, select the red data packet and right mouse click and select Manual update.

6. ‘Background processing successfully scheduled’ will be displayed on the status bar.

7. Repeat  step 5 on all the red data packets. Different background processing will be scheduled for each red data packet.

8. When all red data packets become green, reprocessing is done.



TR:-Transfer Rules 
DTP:-Data Transfer Process

Standard BW defination

Info area in BI is  similar to folders in a system.Info area   in general contains all objects used to evaluate for a business logical process

 Info Object :-it is the smallest information containing unit which can be (Key Figures, Characteristics). 
Key Figures : Data part of an InfoObject. They are quantifiable values. (Eg. Quantity Sold, Revenue)
Characteristics : Objects that are used to calculate and present Key Figures. (Eg. Sales Office, Customer)

Data source:- Data  source is used as a connector between Source and the Target.It contains Communication Structure, Transfer Rules/Transfer Structure. 

Application Component
:-Application Components are used to organize Data Sources
Infopackages.:- which load data from source to PSA table
Data transfer process[DTP]:- Load data from PSA to Data Target  


Persistent Staging Area is a data staging area in BW. It allows us to check data in an intermediate location, before the data are sent to its destinations in BW.
The PSA stores data in its original source system format. In this way, it gives us a chance to examine / analyse the data before we process them to further destinations. Most probably it is a temporary storage area, based on the client data specifications and settings.

Infocube:An InfoCube is a quantity of relational tables arranged according to the star schema: A large fact table in the middle surrounded by several dimension tables.The central objects upon which reports and analyses in BW are based, are called InfoCube

ODS activation fails: Process chain error

If ODS activation fails because of invalid characters the first step would be to try to insert the new character in the allowed character set in BW. The invalid character can be seen in the error message of the ODS activation. Goto transaction RSKC and insert the character at the end and click on execute. After this is done activate the ODS object and it should go through successfully.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Important Transaction code's in SAP BI

DB02Tables and Indexes Monitor
DB14Display DBA Operation Logs
DB16Display DB Check Results
DB20Update DB Statistics
LISTCUBEList viewer for InfoCubes
LISTSCHEMAShow InfoCube schema
LBWELO Data Extraction: Customizing Cockpit
LBWGTo Delete Setup Tables
OLI*BWTo fill Setup Tables (* Application Component) [ie 7 for SD Sales Orders]
OS06Local Operating System Activity
OB08Currency Exchange Rates
RSA1Administrator Work Bench
RSA2OLTP Metadata Repository
RSA3Extractor Checker
RSA5Install Business Content
RSA6Maintain DataSources
RSA7BW Delta Queue Monitor
RSA8DataSource Repository
RSA9Transfer Application Components
RSA11Calling up AWB with the IC tree
RSA12Calling up AWB with the IS tree
RSA13Calling up AWB with the LG tree
RSA14Calling up AWB with the IO tree
RSA15Calling up AWB with the ODS tree
RSBBSMaintain Query Jumps (RRI Interface)
RSBICAModeling BI Integrated Planning
RSCUSTAMaintain BW Settings
RSD1Characteristic maintenance
RSD2Maintenance of key figures
RSD3Maintenance of units
RSD4Maintenance of time characteristics
RSD5Edit InfoObjects
RSDBCDB connect
RSDCUBEStart: InfoCube editing
RSDCUBEDStart: InfoCube editing
RSDCUBEMStart: InfoCube editing
RSDDBIAMONBI Accelerator Monitor
RSDIOBCStart: InfoObject catalog editing
RSDIOBCDStart: InfoObject catalog editing
RSDIOBCMStart: InfoObject catalog editing
RSDLDB Connect - Test Program
RSDMDMaster Data Maintenance w.Prev. Sel.
RSDMD_TESTMaster Data Test
RSDMPROInitial Screen: MultiProvider Proc.
RSDMPRODInitial Screen: MultiProvider Proc.
RSDMPROMInitial Screen: MultiProvider Proc.
RSDMWBCustomer Behavior Modeling
RSDODSInitial Screen: ODS Object Processing
RSDSData Source Repository 
RSIMPCURLoad Exchange Rates from File
RSINPUTManual Data Entry
RSIS1Create InfoSource
RSIS2Change InfoSource
RSIS3Display InfoSource
RSISETMaintain InfoSets
RSKCMaintaining the Permitted Extra Chars
RSMOData Load Monitor Start
RSMONBW Administrator Workbench
RSORBW Metadata Repository
RSORBCTBI Business Content Transfer
RSORMDRBW Metadata Repository
RSPCProcess Chain Maintenance
RSPC1Process Chain Display
RSPCMMonitor daily process chains
RSPLANModeling BI Integrated Planning
RSPLSEBI Planning Lock Management
RSRTStart of the report monitor
RSRT1Start of the Report Monitor
RSRT2Start of the Report Monitor
RSRTRACESet trace configuration
RSRTRACETESTTrace tool configuration
RSRVAnalysis and Repair of BW Objects
RSSMAuthorizations for Reporting
RZ20To see log for Process Chains
SE03Transport Organizer Tools
SE06Set Up Transport Organizer
SE07CTS Status Display
SE09Transport Organizer
SE10Transport Organizer
SE11ABAP Dictionary
SE18Business Add-Ins: Definitions
SE18_OLDBusiness Add-Ins: Definitions (Old)
SE19Business Add-Ins: Implementations
SE19_OLDBusiness Add-Ins: Implementations
SE21Package Builder
SE24Class Builder
SE80Object Navigator
SE93to view Transaction Codes
SM04User List
SM12Display and Delete Locks
SM21Online System Log Analysis
SM37Overview of job selection
SM50Work Process Overview
SM51List of SAP Systems
SM58Asynchronous RFC Error Log
SM59RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain)
SM66Global work process Monitor
SMQ1qRFC Monitor (Outbound Queue)
SMQ2qRFC Monitor (Inbound Queue)
ST22ABAP Runtime Error (Dumps)
ST14BW Evaluation Application Analysis
WE02Display IDoc
WE05IDoc Lists
WE06Active IDoc monitoring
WE07IDoc statistics
WE08Status File Interface
WE09Search for IDoc in Database
WE10Search for IDoc in Archive
WE11Delete IDocs
WE12Test Modified Inbound File
WE14Test Outbound Processing
WE15Test Outbound Processing from MC
WE16Test Inbound File
WE17Test Status File
WE18Generate Status File
WE19Test tool
WE20Partner Profiles
WE21Port definition
WE23Verification of IDoc processing
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