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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Creating a Process Chain

  • Create a new Process Chain
  • Define the Start Process
  • Create a new Process Variant
  • Define the Start Process Variant
  • Define the start time
  • Add an info package
  • Select an info package
  • Create a link between the Start Process and the info package
  • Save and Activate the Process Chain
In SAP BW to create a Process Chain:
              Enter transaction code /nrspc.
  1. The Process Chain Maintenance Planning View window opens.

  2. Click the Create icon (or F5).
    The New Process Chain dialog opens.
  3. Enter a Process Chain name and a Long Description. Click the Enter icon.
    After you specify the name of the new Process Chain, the Insert Start Process dialog opens. It lets you insert a Start Process for the Process Chain.

  4. Define the Start Process. The Start Process must be unique for each Process Chain.
  5. Create the Start Process Variant. A variant is a collection of predefined criteria, similar to a group of values used as parameters.
    Variants are attached to various processes that are defined for Process Chains. 
    Click the New icon on the Insert Start Process dialog to create a new Process Variant.
    The Start Process dialog opens.

  6. Define the Start Process Variant. When the Maintain Process Variant dialog opens, create a variant for the start process by selecting Direct Scheduling. This allows you to customize the Start Timeoptions. Click Change Selections.
    The Start Time dialog opens.

            Enter a Start Time value by clicking the Immediate button, which   enables Immediate start. Click the Check button and Save.
  7. Select the InfoPackage which is used to load data in Infocube, drag InfoPackage to right panel.Select the Info Package and press 'Continue 
  8. Following steps will be added in the process chain 
  9. Join 'Start' step with  'Load Step' by selecting 'Start' step and dragging the line to 'Load Step'pcc6
  10. Check' the process chain and 'Activate' the process chain
  11. Process chain will start executing.Once completed, the status will appear as follows, incase there is any failure, the status will appear as cancelled

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

General Usage/ Detail about Process Chain

  • Process chain (PC) is a sequence of processes linked together.
  • Each Process have a type (BW activity, e.g., activate ODS) and a variant (contains parameters).
  • Start process describes when the process will start (immediately, scheduled job, metaprocess, API).
  • Connector is linking processes; you can choose 1 of 3 options of starting next process: when previous finishes with success (green arrow), failure (red) or always start the next process (black).
  • Variant is a set of parameters passed to the process, such as the name of the InfoPackage to use for loading, the name of the InfoObject to perform a change run for.
Selected icon bar buttons:
  • Planning view enables to create and modify processes.
  • Checking view checks consistency of a process chain selected in plan view.
  • Log view shows log of the execution of a process chain selected in plan view.
The picture below shows simple PC (loading transaction data into ODS and than into InfoCube).

Monday, May 2, 2011

What is difference between PSA and ODS?

PSA: This is just an intermediate data container. This is NOT a data target. Main purpose/use is for data quality maintenance. This has the original data (unchanged) data from source system.

ODS: This is a data target. Reporting can be done through ODS. ODS data is overwriteable. For datasources for which delta is not enabled, ODS can be used to upload delta records to Infocube.  

You can do reporting in ODS. In PSA you can't do reporting directly

ODS contains detail -level data , PSA The requested data is saved, unchanged from the source system. Request data is stored in the transfer structure format in transparent, relational database tables in the Business Information Warehouse. The data format remains unchanged, meaning that no summarization or transformations take place
In ODS you have 3 tables Active, New data table, change log, In PSA you don't have
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